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Division of Water Announces Funding Available

Grant funding is available through the Energy and Environment Cabinet for projects that help clean up polluted streams, rivers, lakes, and groundwater, and for projects that protect water resources. Funds are provided through the EPA's Nonpoint Source Program, and are distributed to states to support best management practices.

"The funds can be used for watershed restoration projects, watershed plan development, and other projects that reduce and prevent runoff pollution," said Joanna Ashford, manager of the Division of Water's Nonpoint Source Grant Program.

These funds can be used to pay for up to 60 percent of the total cost for each project with a required 40 percent non-federal match. Nonpoint source pollution, also known as runoff pollution, is the number one contributor to water pollution in Kentucky. The Division gives priority to projects that develop and implement watershed plans for impaired waters, source water protection areas, and special-use waters such as cold water aquatic habitat, state wild rivers and federal wild and scenic rivers with identified threats.

To determine stream designations in your area, visit

Letters of intent to apply are optional but highly recommended and are due Nov. 15. Project application forms must be submitted no later than February 10, 2023. Division of Water staff will review the project applications and rank them according to eligibility and priority criteria.

A variety of organizations, from federal, state and local governments, to utilities, conservation districts, universities, and nonprofits are candidates for funding.

For more information, contact Joanna Ashford at 502-782-2198 or

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