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Dr. Aslıhan Spaulding to lead UK department of Ag economics.

Dr. Aslıhan Spaulding to lead UK department of Ag economics.

By Blake Jackson

The UK Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment (CAFE) proudly announces the selection of Aslıhan Spaulding, an esteemed alum, as the incoming chair of the Department of Agricultural Economics, effective September 1.

Expressing her enthusiasm, Nancy Cox, Dean of Martin-Gatton CAFE, lauded Dr. Spaulding's appointment, citing it as a pivotal moment for the department. "Dr. Spaulding's leadership comes at a crucial juncture, offering an opportunity to revitalize and enhance programs that serve both our community and students. We have full confidence in her ability to collaborate with faculty towards achieving remarkable success," Cox remarked.

Dr. Spaulding reciprocated the sentiment, expressing her excitement about returning to UK in a leadership capacity. "The Department of Agricultural Economics holds a special place in my heart, having been my academic home during my graduate studies. I eagerly anticipate working closely with faculty, staff, students, and external partners to advance the department's mission and explore innovative possibilities," she remarked.

With a wealth of academic and administrative experience, Dr. Spaulding's tenure includes serving as the Interim Chair of the Department of Agriculture and Interim Chair of the Department of Economics at Illinois State University.

As a Professor of Agribusiness & Food Industry Management, she demonstrated a commitment to academic excellence and student success, notably serving as the Agriculture Graduate Program Coordinator for 13 years and the Study Abroad Program Coordinator for 19 years.

Dr. Spaulding's instructional repertoire spans various domains, encompassing courses such as Strategic Agribusiness Sales, Food Industry Marketing, and Strategic Management, among others. Her research endeavors have significantly contributed to understanding decision-making processes along the food supply chain and the impact of students' traits on academic performance.

Furthermore, Dr. Spaulding's engagement with industry partners and international organizations underscores her dedication to advancing agricultural economics. Her success in securing external grants, including notable funding from the USDA Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program, reflects her commitment to scholarly excellence and practical application.

"I am devoted to nurturing students who will emerge as leaders in their field and make meaningful contributions to society," Dr. Spaulding emphasized. "My aim is to bolster the department's standing on regional, national, and global platforms," she concluded, affirming her dedication to advancing the department's stature and impact.

Photo Credit: university-of-kentucky

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