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Leopold award - honor KY land stewards

Leopold award - honor KY land stewards

By Blake Jackson

Commissioner of Agriculture Jonathan Shell invites you to nominate a farmer or forester for the prestigious 2024 Kentucky Leopold Conservation Award. 

This award recognizes outstanding individuals who exemplify Aldo Leopold's land ethic, going above and beyond to manage their land, water, and wildlife habitat with exceptional dedication. Think of it as a celebration of Kentucky's agricultural backbone and those who tirelessly care for our natural resources. 

Given in partnership with the Sand County Foundation, the Kentucky Leopold Conservation Award honors landowners who inspire others through their commitment to sustainable practices. It's a chance to shine a light on those who truly embody Leopold's call for an ethical relationship with the land. 

Nominate a Deserving Candidate: 

  • Who is eligible? Any farmer or forester in Kentucky who actively manages their land with conservation practices in mind. 
  • What are the criteria? Judges seek evidence of exceptional land stewardship, innovative conservation strategies, and a positive impact on the environment and community. 
  • How to nominate: You can nominate someone else or even nominate yourself! Simply fill out the online application by March 31, 2024. 

The Kentucky Leopold Conservation Award is made possible through the generous support of numerous organizations, including the American Farmland Trust, Kentucky Agricultural Council, and the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food and Environment. Be a part of this important initiative and celebrate the heroes who keep Kentucky's land healthy and thriving. 


Photo Credit: kentucky-farm-bureau

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