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Kentucky Corn and Soybean Fungicide Efficacy Guides Available

The 2023 fungicide efficacy tables for foliar diseases of corn and soybean, and for soybean seedling diseases have been updated, and are now available through the Crop Protection Network website, report Kiersten Wise and Carl Bradley, Plant Pathology Extension Specialists. The website is at

These tables are updated annually based on data provided by United States Extension plant pathologists, with efficacy determined through replicated research trials across a broad geographic area. Kentucky research trial data are included in the development of these national fungicide efficacy ratings.

The ratings in these guides reflect the efficacy of a fungicide against a given disease and are not rating yield response to a fungicide. It is an applicator’s legal responsibility to read and follow label directions.

Updated tables include:

Fungicide Efficacy for Control of Corn Diseases --

Fungicide Efficacy for Control of Soybean Seedling Diseases --

Fungicide Efficacy for Control of Soybean Foliar Diseases --

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Categories: Kentucky, Crops, Corn, Soybeans

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