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Nonprofit Leadership Studies to Host 3rd Annual Philanthropy Week

Murray State University’s Nonprofit Leadership Studies program will host its 3rd annual Philanthropy Week April 17–21. The week consists of a celebration of generosity in the Murray-Calloway County area, recognizing successful approaches to giving of time, talent and treasures that help make this a wonderful community to live and thrive. Philanthropy Week recognizes and advances the historic partnership among the public, nonprofit and business sectors in the community who are making a difference on the local, state and national levels. This year’s week-long event will focus on Nonprofits and the environment through presentations and workshops.

The 3rd annual Philanthropy Week will be hosted by the Murray State University Nonprofit Leadership Studies program, the Nonprofit Resource Center, the Department of Organizational Communication & Leadership and the Arthur J. Bauernfeind College of Business.

The presentations and workshops throughout the week include:

April 17 at 7 p.m.

“The Nature Conservancy of Kentucky” - Shelly Morris, Director of Floodplain Strategies and Murray State alumna. Featured presentation in the Freed Curd Auditorium, IT 231

April 18 at 7 p.m.

“Environmental Nonprofits Making an Impact” - Current Murray State University students. Featured presentations from Murray State students. The location of this event is TBA.

April 19 at 7 p.m.

Philanthropy Week Keynote Address - Chad Pregracke, Founder and President of Living Lands & Waters

The keynote address will take place in Wrather Auditorium. Chad Pregracke is the internationally named 2013 CNN Hero of the Year, founder and president of Living Lands & Waters, a nonprofit river cleanup organization. He is also an author and professional public speaker. He is proof one person can make a difference. Chad has been recognized by former President George W. Bush as a national “Point of Light.” He received a standing ovation at the Kennedy Center from all four living former U.S. Presidents for his inspirational message on dreaming big, taking action, persevering, leading and collaborating. He has been the keynote speaker for college graduations, business conferences and events, classrooms, nonprofit organizations and more. Named “America’s Hardest Working Person” by Mitchum, Chad’s enthusiasm, sense of humor and passion amplifies his story and entertains audiences. Ultimately, his message inspires people to believe they can make a difference.

April 20

Private Workshops facilitated by Canopy from Louisville, Kentucky

Canopy’s mission is to help Kentucky businesses positively impact people, the planet and future. Through education, certification and connection, Canopy helps Kentucky businesses participate and succeed in the Good Business movement. The Canopy Certification provides a continuous improvement framework that guides Kentucky businesses towards achieving measurable social and environmental impact while operating successfully and ethically. Canopy Certified Companies are committed to operating with the best interest of Kentucky and its people in mind as they grow profit and work to solve social, economic and environmental problems. For more information please visit

The workshops facilitated by Canopy on Thursday, April 20 include:

10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Paducah Beer Werks and the Nonprofit Leadership Studies Program

This is a private event.

2 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.

The Arthur J. Bauernfeind College of Business and the Nonprofit Leadership Program

This is a private event.

7 p.m.

Keynote Presentation - Canopy

This event is open to the public and will be held in the Curris Center Theater.

“We recognize that employees want purpose, consumers are paying attention to who they buy from, and healthy communities and a healthy landscape are good for business,” said Canopy. “Our mission is to grow Kentucky businesses to positively impact people, our planet and our future.”

Canopy's vision is to make Kentucky first in Good Business. A localized, state-wide approach to building a strong Good Business ecosystem is more likely to succeed in Kentucky than a national or global effort. A Kentucky-focused effort includes:

Assessment of localized community needs, resources and stakeholders.

Social, environmental and economic solutions to local problems are being provided.

Harnessing the power of small businesses to improve local communities.

Strengthening a powerful network of stakeholders across sectors.

Positioning Louisville and Kentucky as the premier ecosystems for “Good” business.

April 21 at 4:30 p.m.

Donna Herndon Award for Civic Engagement Ceremony

The ceremony will take place in the Dean’s Conference Room in the Business Building. The Nonprofit Resource Center is proud to establish the Donna Herndon Award for Civic Engagement. The award was established to recognize recipients who embody Donna’s steadfast and compelling commitment to philanthropy and civic engagement. Donna’s endeavors have impacted the community beyond measure and will forever play a role in its health and vitality. This award will ensure that Donna’s inspiration and impact live on in perpetuity. More so, it will serve as a shining example to students and community members that anything is possible when one gives to benefit others. It will serve as an ideal example that when community issues are met with compassion, creativity and a sense of purpose that through philanthropy and civic engagement anything is possible. Some of the criteria for this award are being selfless with time, talents and resources, being caring and compassionate, serving above and beyond the call of duty, being a visionary leader, being enthusiastic and relentless. These are all qualities that Donna exemplifies. It was an honor for the Nonprofit Resource Center to establish this award and play a small role in giving back to this community in honor of Donna Herndon.

For more information on the upcoming Philanthropy Week events please visit

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Categories: Kentucky, General

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