The Kentucky Division of Oil and Gas (KDOG) will hold a virtual meeting on June 1 at 2 p.m. EST to outline the requirements and Finance Cabinet RFP procedures for contractor participation in the upcoming orphan well-plugging program funded through the Federal Infrastructure Act.
The Division of Oil and Gas is in the process of applying for more than $100 million through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to address the orphan well issue in the commonwealth. The program's goal will be to address the areas of greatest need, the sites with the most impact on citizen health and on the air, soil, surface, and groundwater resources.
All contractors who are looking to submit bids under this program are encouraged to attend this informational meeting.
To attend virtually: Please join the meeting from a computer, tablet or smartphone:
You can also dial in using a phone: United States: +1 (571) 317-3122 Access Code: 919-774-181
If you have questions about connecting to the videoconference, please contact Danielle Crosman at 502-782-6590.
Categories: Kentucky, Energy