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UK James B. Beam Institute Offering Bourbon Industry Conference in 2023

Kentucky's $9 billion bourbon industry is a major player in the state's economy. With more than 22,500 jobs, Kentucky boasts more than a third of all distilling jobs in the United States and produces 95% of the global bourbon supply.

The James B. Beam Institute for Kentucky Spirits, in collaboration with the Kentucky Distillers' Association, will offer the 4th annual Bourbon Industry Conference March 13-15 at the University of Kentucky Gatton Student Center in Lexington.

The Beam Institute, led by the UK College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, is carrying out a vision to educate the next generation of distillers through curriculum and events that develop skills for undergraduates, graduate students and professionals in the distilled spirits industry in Kentucky and beyond.

"This conference brings a focus to Kentucky distilling, which incorporates a dynamic mix of business, technical and sustainability talks," said Seth DeBolt, Beam Institute director. "Kentucky distilling has a mix of the largest American whiskey brands alongside emerging craft brands. The talks this year are outstanding and serve to tackle emerging and current issues. This is always a great few days and we price it incredibly affordably to serve our stakeholders and allow everyone in the industry to attend."

Conference sessions will address key industry topics. Attendees will also earn a certificate of continuing education for participation.

KDA President Eric Gregory said the conference brings together the best leaders, visionaries, researchers and pioneers that the signature industry has to offer for an event for anyone involved in distilling.

"The innovations in research, cutting-edge technologies and best practices each year are incredibly valuable," he said. "If you want to know what's what and who's who in the distilling industry, you have to come to Kentucky for this world-class event."

Early bird registration for the full conference is $300 and $175 for one-day passes through Jan. 27. Beginning Jan. 28, full conference registration will increase to $350 and day passes will increase to $200. Faculty registration is $100 and student registration is $25. The price includes educational sessions, exhibits, lunch and snacks and networking opportunities. Organizers are currently accepting vendors. To register as a participant or vendor, visit the conference page at For more information about being a vendor or partner, click here.

The James B. Beam Institute for Kentucky Spirits ensures the welfare and prosperity of Kentucky's spirits industry. Through teaching, research and outreach, the institute promotes economic sustainability, environmental stewardship and responsible consumption. The Beam Institute is a multidisciplinary effort of experts from the UK College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, College of Engineering, College of Arts and Sciences and Gatton College of Business and Economics. For more information, visit the Beam Institute website at

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Categories: Kentucky, Education

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