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Kentucky Climate Summary - Sep 19 - 25

Our dry trend continued this past week. Kentucky saw a few rounds of showers, but both coverage and accumulations were lacking. Overall, the state averaged 0.20 inches and that number only increases to 0.26 over the past 14 days. Looking at temperatures, summer heat was in place for the first half of the week. Highs peaked on Wednesday with much of Kentucky jumping well into the 90s. Some even topped 100 across Western KY. In fact, Paducah-Barkley Regional Airport topped out at 101, the latest 100+ reading in station history and the warmest temperature seen since early August of 2012. The heat was followed by the passage of a strong cold front, ushering much cooler air into the region for the second half of the week. Low temperatures on Friday morning fell into the 40s for most everyone, but a few isolated spots across Eastern Kentucky hit the upper 30s.

Temperatures for the period averaged 70 degrees across the state which was 3 degrees warmer than normal and 2 degrees warmer than the previous period. High temperatures averaged from 87 in the West to 79 in the East. Departure from normal high temperatures ranged from 7 degrees warmer than normal in the West to 1 degree warmer than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 62 degrees in the West to 57 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 6 degrees warmer than normal in the West to 4 degrees warmer than normal in the East. The extreme high temperature for the period was 101 degrees at PADUCAH ASOS and the extreme low was 39 degrees at CYNTHIANA 8N.

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 0.20 inches statewide which was 0.64 inches below normal and 24% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 0.24 inches, Central 0.19 inches, Bluegrass 0.15 inches and East 0.24 inches, which was 0.61, 0.73, 0.61 and 0.59 inches below normal. By station, precipitation totals ranged from a low of 0.00 inches at MARION 4NE to a high of 1.05 inches at HENDERSON 5E.

Kentucky State University Part of Ag Business Innovation Center in N.C. Kentucky State University Part of Ag Business Innovation Center in N.C.
LMA Hosts Washington, D.C. Fly In LMA Hosts Washington, D.C. Fly In

Categories: Kentucky, Weather

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