Join in the next Organic Association of Kentucky (OAK) farmer field day Oct. 4 from 9 a.m. to noon Central in Todd County at the Beiler family farm. The field day will explore multi-species cover cropping, integrated grazing and soil health in row crop production.
For nearly 20 years, John Beiler and his family have managed their 200 acresof hay, corn, and dairy cattle production using animal power and keen observation. In the past decade, they have steadily increased their use of 7-15 species in their cover crop mixes, intentional grazing of their fields in a 3-year rotation, and a focus on healthy and carbon-rich soils across their certified organic farm.
This OAK field day will walk the Beilers' "carpeted fields," learn their cover crop mixes and interplanting successes, and hear from their collaborator Chad Parmley of MicroSoil Enhancers.
Open to all, this field day near Elkton is geared toward current or aspiring production farmers, and allied professionals.
Pre-registration is required. Fee is $5 for OAK members and $10 for non-members.
Registration is recommended at Cost is $5 for OAK members; $10 for non-members.
For questions, contact Jenny Howard Owen, OAK education coordinator, at (502) 517-9629
Categories: Kentucky, Crops