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Kentucky Climate Summary - Aug 29 - Sep 4

The Bluegrass State saw several rounds of rainfall throughout the workweek. Overall, the state averaged 1.53 inches, breaking a two-week streak of below normal rainfall. Storms were capable of producing heavy rainfall. Slow storm movements, especially over the weekend, led to bouts of localized flooding. Some areas saw 3 to 4+ inches. Meteorological fall started on Thursday, but summer-like temperatures and humidity remained across the state for most of the week. The warmest temperatures were seen on Friday when highs jumped into the middle 80s to low 90s.

Temperatures for the period averaged 75 degrees across the state which was 1 degree warmer than normal and no change to the previous period. High temperatures averaged from 86 in the West to 84 in the East. Departure from normal high temperatures ranged from 1 degree cooler than normal in the West to 1 degree cooler than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 66 degrees in the West to 65 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 2 degrees warmer than normal in the West to 5 degrees warmer than normal in the East. The extreme high temperature for the period was 95 degrees at PADUCAH ASOS and the extreme low was 54 degrees at CADIZ 4SW.

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 1.53 inches statewide which was 0.78 inches above normal and 204% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 1.71 inches, Central 1.49 inches, Bluegrass 2.01 inches and East 0.91 inches, which was 1.03, 0.68, 1.28 and 0.13 inches above normal. By station, precipitation totals ranged from a low of 0.14 inches at BIG SANDY to a high of 3.97 inches at FRANKLIN 4SW.

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Categories: Kentucky, Weather

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