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Kentucky crops face dry weather and heat

Kentucky crops face dry weather and heat

By Blake Jackson

Kentucky experienced above-average temperatures and below-average rainfall during the week ending September 1, 2024. The dry conditions, coupled with high temperatures, have impacted parts of the state, particularly in the far western and eastern regions.

Despite the challenging conditions, farmers made progress with fieldwork, including row crop scouting, cutting tobacco, and harvesting hay. Days suitable for fieldwork averaged 6.6 out of a possible seven.

Crop Progress:

  • Corn: Corn maturity has accelerated due to the dry weather. 50% of corn acres are now mature, compared to the 5-year average of 37%. Harvesting has begun, with 11% of acres harvested.
  • Soybeans: Soybeans are also maturing at a faster pace. 45% of soybeans are coloring, and 15% are dropping leaves, both ahead of the 5-year averages. Late-planted soybeans may be impacted by the dry conditions. The soybean crop condition has declined slightly, with 61% rated as good or excellent.
  • Tobacco: Tobacco harvesting has progressed significantly, with 48% of acres cut. The tobacco crop condition has also declined slightly, with 69% rated as good or excellent.
  • Pasture: The dry weather has negatively impacted pasture conditions. Only 46% of pasture is rated as good or excellent, down from 78% last week. Many operations are relying on hay to supplement feeding.

Kentucky crops are progressing well, but the dry weather and high temperatures have presented challenges. Farmers are adapting to the conditions and utilizing available resources to ensure successful harvests.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-oticki

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Categories: Kentucky, Crops, Corn, Soybeans, Tobacco

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