Kentucky farmers harvested 30.0 million bushels of winter wheat during the summer of 2022, according to the Kentucky Field Office of USDA'S National Agricultural Statistics Service. This was down 1% from the previous year. Yield is estimated at 80.0 bushels per acre, down 7.0 bushels from 2021.
Farmers seeded 530,000 acres last fall, up 20,000 acres from 2021. Area harvested for grain totaled 375,000 acres. Acres for other uses totaled 155,000 acres and was used as cover crop, cut as hay, chopped for silage, or abandoned.
Production of all wheat for the U.S. totaled 1.65 billion bushels, up slightly from 2021. Grain area harvested totaled 35.5 million acres, down 4% from the previous year. The United States yield is estimated at 46.5 bushels per acre, up 2.2 bushels from last year. The levels of production and changes from 2021 by type are winter wheat, 1.10 billion bushels, down 14%; other spring wheat, 482 million bushels, up 46%, and durum wheat, 64.0 million bushels, up 70%.
Categories: Kentucky, Crops, Wheat