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2024 farm bill - Stalemate or Bipartisan progress

2024 farm bill - Stalemate or Bipartisan progress

By Blake Jackson

While hopes for a swift passage of the 2024 Farm Bill have faded, recent activity on both sides of the aisle hints at potential progress.

In May, the House and Senate Agriculture Committees released competing proposals: the House's "The Farm, Food, and National Security Act" and the Senate framework for the "Rural Prosperity and Food Security Act."

The House Agriculture Committee's bill, passed with bipartisan support, focuses on strengthening crop insurance and safety net programs for farmers.

The Senate Republican framework, championed by Senator Boozman, emphasizes increased investment in farm research and infrastructure, along with bolstering trade opportunities through the Market Access Program (MAP) and Foreign Market Development (FMD) program.

Despite some common ground, like bolstering nutrition programs and utilizing funds from the Inflation Reduction Act, significant differences remain.

The House bill proposes broader crop insurance coverage, while the Senate approach prioritizes existing conservation programs.

Achieving bipartisan consensus is crucial, as both the House and Senate have slim majorities. Kentucky Farm Bureau's Ericka King emphasizes the need for compromise: "There are stark differences... We urge Chairwoman Stabenow and Ranking Member Boozman to find common ground."

The current farm bill expired in September 2023, and extensions are common for this legislation. King notes extensions have been more frequent than on-time renewals in the past two decades. With the August recess and upcoming elections looming, another extension is a possibility.

Here's a quick look at some key points from the proposals:

  • Crop Insurance: The House bill offers broader coverage options, while the Senate prioritizes affordability.
  • Trade: Both sides aim to expand export opportunities through programs like MAP and FMD.
  • Conservation: The House proposes using unspent Inflation Reduction Act funds for current programs, while the Senate seeks permanent funding increases.
  • Nutrition: Both sides acknowledge the importance of strengthening nutrition assistance programs.

The path forward for the 2024 Farm Bill requires significant compromise from both parties in both chambers. Whether a final bill emerges before the August recess, or another extension is needed remains to be seen.

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Categories: Kentucky, Government & Policy

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