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Kentucky’s Spay and Neuter License Plate Gets a New Look

Kentucky’s Spay and Neuter License Plate Gets a New Look

By Blake Jackson

Kentucky's Spay and Neuter specialty license plate, a fixture for over two decades, is getting a makeover, and Commissioner of Agriculture Jonathan Shell is calling on the public to contribute their artistic talents.

“Practicing responsible pet ownerships and the need to reduce the stray and homeless pet population are the messages surrounding this plate design,” Commissioner Shell said. “With 411 animal shelters and animal welfare organizations in Kentucky, it’s obvious we, as a society, need to do more to control the population. Since February is Spay and Neuter Awareness Month, this is the perfect time to refresh our design and send a call out to local artists.”

The current design, featuring a kitten and puppy, has successfully raised awareness and over $600,000 for spay and neuter grants, resulting in more than 17,200 procedures.

Proceeds from the license plate sales benefit the Animal Control and Care Fund, managed by the Animal Control Advisory Board. This board, created by the Kentucky General Assembly in 1998, advises the Commissioner of Agriculture on animal control and evaluates grant applications.

Artists are encouraged to reflect the importance of spaying and neutering in their designs, highlighting its role in reducing pet overpopulation, increasing adoption rates, mitigating behavioral issues, and lowering disease risks.

Specific points to consider include:

  • Helping to reduce Kentucky’s pet overpopulation.
  • Increasing pet adoption opportunities.
  • Reducing problematic behaviors like roaming and fighting.
  • Minimizing the risk of disease.

The deadline for submissions is April 20, 2025. Entries should be submitted to Michael Grant at

Photo Credit: tap10-E-plus-photo

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Categories: Kentucky, General

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